Tuesday, February 22, 2011
It has been way to long......
It is long over due that I update our blog! Here it goes, hopefully I will start having a little more free time to update more often.
I worked through my 30th week of my pregnancy. Duncan went to Abby's during the day for the last 2 weeks and I just rested. I did not realize how tired I was until I was at home. I still didn't have much energy at home while just resting.
November 19, 2010 was the big day. Owen Lee, Elliott Allen, Olivia Ann and Ethan James were born. We dropped Duncan off at Grandma Kathy's for the day. On the way to the hospital Tracy realized that we didn't have my bag because he sent it with Duncan! We went back for it and then we were on our way! We got to the hospital and all checked in. I was very nervous and Tracy was too. They were ready for me early so my C-section was done just a little early. Abby got to go with us in the delivery room, she went with Owen and Elliott when they were born to take pictures.
At 9:27 Owen Lee was born, 4# 3oz, 17 3/4 in, 9:28 Elliott Allen, 4# 1 oz, 16in, 9:29 Olivia Ann, 3# 14oz, 16 3/4 in, and 9:30 Ethan James 3# 14oz and 16 1/2 in. They were all healthy as expected!
Owen: was not on the vent, just long enough to get medicine for his lungs. He was on oxygen until 11-22-10, ate from a bottle on 11-24-10, was under the billi lights for a few days. He went into an open crib on 11-29 and came home on 12-16-10! weight 5# 7.1oz.
Elliott: off vent on 11-20-10, off oxygen on 11-25, bottle feed on 11-27, on billi lights for a few days, open crib on 11-29. Home on 12-14-10 weight 5# 1.2oz
Olivia: off vent on 11-20-10, off oxygen on 11024-10, ate from bottle on 11-24, open crib on 11-29, on billi lights for a few days. Home on 12-16-10. weight 5# 1.3oz.
Ethan: off vent on 11-20, off oxygen on 11-20, ate from bottle on 11-24, open crib on 11-29, Home on 12-19-10, exactly one month in hospital. weight; 5# 7oz.
The babies went straight to the NICU. they did bring them by so I could get a peek at all of them. I didn't feel like going to the NICU until Saturday, but that was ok because we couldn't hold them anyway.
I came home on 11/22/10. My incision came open before I left the hospital but I didn't realize it, so I ended up at the wound center. I had a wound vac until December 17. Thank goodness, it really helped my wound heal quickly!
Dec 2010
We went to Tracy's work Christmas party on 12-10. Duncan stayed with Uncle Rodney and went to the community center to see Santa. He had a good time. The babies still in the NICU, but doing well!
12-14-10 Elliott got to come home!! What a wonderful day. The other 3 doing well just not quite ready to come home.
12-16-10 Owen and Olivia got to come home. While we were waiting on the home nurse to come weigh Elliott, Duncan decided to puke all over the living room floor. Great!! I called the NICU and the doctor is still sending the babies home. Duncan and Elliott went to Aunt Abby's while we went to the hospital. Duncan puked some more at Aunt's house. :(
When we went to get Owen and Olivia, I sat and cried because Ethan couldn't come home with us, just a couple more days for him.
12-19-10 Ethan home today!! I went to the hospital between feedings to get Ethan. The nurse had everything ready for me, I just had to sign papers and come home with our last baby, what a joyful day! Uncle Mike and Aunt Tracy stopped to see us today so they were here to see Ethan too! Grandma Paulette was here also to help.
12-21-10 Doctor appt for all 4 babies! What a trip to get them all ready and to the doctor. They are all doing well and gaining weight like they are suppose to! Tracy and I took them to the doctor. Duncan stayed with Aunt Abby.
12-23-10 Weir Christmas. Everyone was back this year for Christmas. We did not go since all the babies have just gotten home. Very sad for me, but happy to have everyone home before Christmas. Duncan went with Aunt and Uncle to Albia for the 23rd and 24th. He got home on the morning of Christmas. Mom and The Hawkins stayed at our house on Christmas night. Santa came! There was a stomach bug that went through the house. Hannah and Sarah both puked. Abby and I neither one felt good on Christmas day, we both slept most of the day. Thank goodness for Tracy and Taylor to take care of the babies. And Uncle Rodney held them, but does not feed them yet!
Joni, Wayne and Alex stopped to see the babies on the way to Albia. Jim, Bea, Ian, Ashley and Greg stopped after Christmas to see them. It was a full house, but that is what we love!
12-30-10 Dr appt for babies, forgot diaper bag!, but had the bottles!!
12-31-10 2nd outing for the babies. The electricity went out so Abby, and I went to Tammy Gaudettes about 2:30 in the morning so the babies didn't get cold! Tracy stayed at home and just slept.. Duncan was at Grandma's. Tracy and I had no idea what to do when the electricity went out, because we didn't know how long it would be out and if the babies would be able to stay warm enough. So we decided we better get them somewhere warm!
All of our helpers started after Christmas break. It was a big adjustment having so many people in and out of the house, but we sure couldn't do it without everyone! Abby stays 2 nights a week, Mom stays 2 nights, Aunt Gladys 1 night and we are on our own 2 nights, unless Janet from church is able to come stay on Wednesday. I get up and help in the middle of the night so Tracy doesn't have to. The babies get up every 3 to 4 hours to eat and then go back to bed.
Tracy and I have been out a couple of times. Thanks to helpers coming to babysit for us!
Jan 2011
AEA comes to check babies. They look for anything abnormal and see what needs to be done. They have speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy that is available to come out.
I changed my status to prn at work so I only have to work 8 hours every 3 months.
At the end of January potty training really started for Duncan. The peeing went well, he had that down by the end of the first week. Pooping was another story! He would go sometimes, but sometimes in his pants too. When he went in his pants he would come tell who ever so he could get changed. I bought m&m's and he could have a fun pack each time he pooped, but he didn't really care. We tried having him clean himself up and that didn't really phase him either. So I broke down and bought a pack of hot wheels, he got a new one every time he pooped. That was the trick and there was a race track in the garage he wanted. So the deal was 5 days with no accidents pee or poop he could have the race track! He got it, we only had to start over one time!
After Duncan got the race track I kept telling him if he went pee or poop in his pants I was taking it away. Well he went pee in his pants and came and told me not to take his race track away. I did take it away for 2 days. He cried and cried. It was very hard for me too, but he has not had any more accidents. I think he was testing me!!
2 month check up for the quads:
Owen 7#8oz
Ethan 7#6oz
Elliott 8# 6oz
Olivia 7#
February 2011.
We started going to church as a family this month. What a chore, but well worth it!!
February 8, Ethan to Dr. Owens for a flat spot on his head, call physical therapy and have them evaluate.
February 13, Very nice out today. Tracy put the stroller together and we went for a walk as a family! The babies had to wear snow suits.
February 12, Duncan's birthday party. Grandma P was here, and Hawkins and Mert. Duncan got a big fire truck and some little trucks and some books. He loves it all! Aunt made him a backhoe cake for his birthday, it was very cute.
February 17, walk outside, it was almost 60 outside. No coats today, all of the kids love being outside!
Feb 18, Duncan is 3!!!
Feb 19. Amy, Duncan and Olivia to Church with Abby and girls. We went to Christ the King. In the middle of mass Duncan loudly ask can we go to donuts after church. No they don't have donuts here I had to tell him!! We lost Olivia's binky from the van to Church so she had no binky. It was in the van, thank goodness. We went to Aunt Gladys after church, when everyone was done getting hair done, Gladys had Olivia. Duncan looked at her and asked, Can we have Olivia back, we go home now. He was a tired boy.
February 20. Went to Rhonda and Carlos wedding in Mitchellville. It was fun. Duncan caught on to smearing cake in each others face. He was getting frosting off the cake and wiping it all over his face! Taylor was sitting with him so he could have a piece of cake before we left. Tracy and I went to buckle babies in van, when I came back his face was black and purple! He had smeared all of his frosting all over his face! Quite a sight.
February 23. Duncan to ER for croup. He woke up with a horrible croupy cough. I took him to the bathroom for the steam, didn't work so we went outside. It was very cold!! That helped but when I called the doctor to see if there was anything I could do she told me I better bring him in. :(. So off to the er we went. Abby drove us, thank goodness that Janet was here for the night. Tracy stayed home with the babies. Duncan got a breathing treatment, was better in 10 minutes but we had to stay for 2 hours. So much for a good nights sleep. oh well. He is better for the most part now, but he still has a cold.
February 27th. Owen, Olivia, Ethan and Elliott were baptised. What a wonderful day! Onie was able to come and do the baptisms!Mom, Hawkins, Gladys, Dennis, Annie, Kathy, Rhonda, Carlos, and Gabby were all there too. Abby and Rodney are their God parents.
The home nurse came to weight the babies this week, I was worried that Olivia was not eating enough. They are all gaining weight like they should! She told me not to worry, they are doing fine. After she was here, Olivia started eating more!! Good thing.
The babies have been sleeping 6 to 7 hours at night the last few nights!!
I am very thankful for Tracy being understanding that I need to get out sometimes and he stays with all of the kids by himself on the weekends so I can go to the store or what ever I need to do!!
It is a ton of work having 4 babies, but we would not change anything! They are good babies and Duncan really loves them. He kisses them and always wants them to come and play or play on the floor with him! It could be alot different and he could really dislike them, thank goodness it is not like that!
We are very thankful for our family that is here to help out with whatever we need! Also very thankful for all of the volunteers that come and help out. We really wouldn't be able to do it without all of the help!
I worked through my 30th week of my pregnancy. Duncan went to Abby's during the day for the last 2 weeks and I just rested. I did not realize how tired I was until I was at home. I still didn't have much energy at home while just resting.
November 19, 2010 was the big day. Owen Lee, Elliott Allen, Olivia Ann and Ethan James were born. We dropped Duncan off at Grandma Kathy's for the day. On the way to the hospital Tracy realized that we didn't have my bag because he sent it with Duncan! We went back for it and then we were on our way! We got to the hospital and all checked in. I was very nervous and Tracy was too. They were ready for me early so my C-section was done just a little early. Abby got to go with us in the delivery room, she went with Owen and Elliott when they were born to take pictures.
At 9:27 Owen Lee was born, 4# 3oz, 17 3/4 in, 9:28 Elliott Allen, 4# 1 oz, 16in, 9:29 Olivia Ann, 3# 14oz, 16 3/4 in, and 9:30 Ethan James 3# 14oz and 16 1/2 in. They were all healthy as expected!
Owen: was not on the vent, just long enough to get medicine for his lungs. He was on oxygen until 11-22-10, ate from a bottle on 11-24-10, was under the billi lights for a few days. He went into an open crib on 11-29 and came home on 12-16-10! weight 5# 7.1oz.
Elliott: off vent on 11-20-10, off oxygen on 11-25, bottle feed on 11-27, on billi lights for a few days, open crib on 11-29. Home on 12-14-10 weight 5# 1.2oz
Olivia: off vent on 11-20-10, off oxygen on 11024-10, ate from bottle on 11-24, open crib on 11-29, on billi lights for a few days. Home on 12-16-10. weight 5# 1.3oz.
Ethan: off vent on 11-20, off oxygen on 11-20, ate from bottle on 11-24, open crib on 11-29, Home on 12-19-10, exactly one month in hospital. weight; 5# 7oz.
The babies went straight to the NICU. they did bring them by so I could get a peek at all of them. I didn't feel like going to the NICU until Saturday, but that was ok because we couldn't hold them anyway.
I came home on 11/22/10. My incision came open before I left the hospital but I didn't realize it, so I ended up at the wound center. I had a wound vac until December 17. Thank goodness, it really helped my wound heal quickly!
Dec 2010
We went to Tracy's work Christmas party on 12-10. Duncan stayed with Uncle Rodney and went to the community center to see Santa. He had a good time. The babies still in the NICU, but doing well!
12-14-10 Elliott got to come home!! What a wonderful day. The other 3 doing well just not quite ready to come home.
12-16-10 Owen and Olivia got to come home. While we were waiting on the home nurse to come weigh Elliott, Duncan decided to puke all over the living room floor. Great!! I called the NICU and the doctor is still sending the babies home. Duncan and Elliott went to Aunt Abby's while we went to the hospital. Duncan puked some more at Aunt's house. :(
When we went to get Owen and Olivia, I sat and cried because Ethan couldn't come home with us, just a couple more days for him.
12-19-10 Ethan home today!! I went to the hospital between feedings to get Ethan. The nurse had everything ready for me, I just had to sign papers and come home with our last baby, what a joyful day! Uncle Mike and Aunt Tracy stopped to see us today so they were here to see Ethan too! Grandma Paulette was here also to help.
12-21-10 Doctor appt for all 4 babies! What a trip to get them all ready and to the doctor. They are all doing well and gaining weight like they are suppose to! Tracy and I took them to the doctor. Duncan stayed with Aunt Abby.
12-23-10 Weir Christmas. Everyone was back this year for Christmas. We did not go since all the babies have just gotten home. Very sad for me, but happy to have everyone home before Christmas. Duncan went with Aunt and Uncle to Albia for the 23rd and 24th. He got home on the morning of Christmas. Mom and The Hawkins stayed at our house on Christmas night. Santa came! There was a stomach bug that went through the house. Hannah and Sarah both puked. Abby and I neither one felt good on Christmas day, we both slept most of the day. Thank goodness for Tracy and Taylor to take care of the babies. And Uncle Rodney held them, but does not feed them yet!
Joni, Wayne and Alex stopped to see the babies on the way to Albia. Jim, Bea, Ian, Ashley and Greg stopped after Christmas to see them. It was a full house, but that is what we love!
12-30-10 Dr appt for babies, forgot diaper bag!, but had the bottles!!
12-31-10 2nd outing for the babies. The electricity went out so Abby, and I went to Tammy Gaudettes about 2:30 in the morning so the babies didn't get cold! Tracy stayed at home and just slept.. Duncan was at Grandma's. Tracy and I had no idea what to do when the electricity went out, because we didn't know how long it would be out and if the babies would be able to stay warm enough. So we decided we better get them somewhere warm!
All of our helpers started after Christmas break. It was a big adjustment having so many people in and out of the house, but we sure couldn't do it without everyone! Abby stays 2 nights a week, Mom stays 2 nights, Aunt Gladys 1 night and we are on our own 2 nights, unless Janet from church is able to come stay on Wednesday. I get up and help in the middle of the night so Tracy doesn't have to. The babies get up every 3 to 4 hours to eat and then go back to bed.
Tracy and I have been out a couple of times. Thanks to helpers coming to babysit for us!
Jan 2011
AEA comes to check babies. They look for anything abnormal and see what needs to be done. They have speech therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy that is available to come out.
I changed my status to prn at work so I only have to work 8 hours every 3 months.
At the end of January potty training really started for Duncan. The peeing went well, he had that down by the end of the first week. Pooping was another story! He would go sometimes, but sometimes in his pants too. When he went in his pants he would come tell who ever so he could get changed. I bought m&m's and he could have a fun pack each time he pooped, but he didn't really care. We tried having him clean himself up and that didn't really phase him either. So I broke down and bought a pack of hot wheels, he got a new one every time he pooped. That was the trick and there was a race track in the garage he wanted. So the deal was 5 days with no accidents pee or poop he could have the race track! He got it, we only had to start over one time!
After Duncan got the race track I kept telling him if he went pee or poop in his pants I was taking it away. Well he went pee in his pants and came and told me not to take his race track away. I did take it away for 2 days. He cried and cried. It was very hard for me too, but he has not had any more accidents. I think he was testing me!!
2 month check up for the quads:
Owen 7#8oz
Ethan 7#6oz
Elliott 8# 6oz
Olivia 7#
February 2011.
We started going to church as a family this month. What a chore, but well worth it!!
February 8, Ethan to Dr. Owens for a flat spot on his head, call physical therapy and have them evaluate.
February 13, Very nice out today. Tracy put the stroller together and we went for a walk as a family! The babies had to wear snow suits.
February 12, Duncan's birthday party. Grandma P was here, and Hawkins and Mert. Duncan got a big fire truck and some little trucks and some books. He loves it all! Aunt made him a backhoe cake for his birthday, it was very cute.
February 17, walk outside, it was almost 60 outside. No coats today, all of the kids love being outside!
Feb 18, Duncan is 3!!!
Feb 19. Amy, Duncan and Olivia to Church with Abby and girls. We went to Christ the King. In the middle of mass Duncan loudly ask can we go to donuts after church. No they don't have donuts here I had to tell him!! We lost Olivia's binky from the van to Church so she had no binky. It was in the van, thank goodness. We went to Aunt Gladys after church, when everyone was done getting hair done, Gladys had Olivia. Duncan looked at her and asked, Can we have Olivia back, we go home now. He was a tired boy.
February 20. Went to Rhonda and Carlos wedding in Mitchellville. It was fun. Duncan caught on to smearing cake in each others face. He was getting frosting off the cake and wiping it all over his face! Taylor was sitting with him so he could have a piece of cake before we left. Tracy and I went to buckle babies in van, when I came back his face was black and purple! He had smeared all of his frosting all over his face! Quite a sight.
February 23. Duncan to ER for croup. He woke up with a horrible croupy cough. I took him to the bathroom for the steam, didn't work so we went outside. It was very cold!! That helped but when I called the doctor to see if there was anything I could do she told me I better bring him in. :(. So off to the er we went. Abby drove us, thank goodness that Janet was here for the night. Tracy stayed home with the babies. Duncan got a breathing treatment, was better in 10 minutes but we had to stay for 2 hours. So much for a good nights sleep. oh well. He is better for the most part now, but he still has a cold.
February 27th. Owen, Olivia, Ethan and Elliott were baptised. What a wonderful day! Onie was able to come and do the baptisms!Mom, Hawkins, Gladys, Dennis, Annie, Kathy, Rhonda, Carlos, and Gabby were all there too. Abby and Rodney are their God parents.
The home nurse came to weight the babies this week, I was worried that Olivia was not eating enough. They are all gaining weight like they should! She told me not to worry, they are doing fine. After she was here, Olivia started eating more!! Good thing.
The babies have been sleeping 6 to 7 hours at night the last few nights!!
I am very thankful for Tracy being understanding that I need to get out sometimes and he stays with all of the kids by himself on the weekends so I can go to the store or what ever I need to do!!
It is a ton of work having 4 babies, but we would not change anything! They are good babies and Duncan really loves them. He kisses them and always wants them to come and play or play on the floor with him! It could be alot different and he could really dislike them, thank goodness it is not like that!
We are very thankful for our family that is here to help out with whatever we need! Also very thankful for all of the volunteers that come and help out. We really wouldn't be able to do it without all of the help!
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