It has been a busy couple of weeks!
At the end of September we had a birthday party for Mom. She turned 60 this year!! It was a good time. We collected laundry soap to take to the homeless shelter in place of gifts. We got enough soap for about 3 weeks, it feels so good to be able to help others! The party was lots of fun, lots of visiting and dancing. We had a DJ again this year. It is lots of fun to be able to dance the night away. Duncan had a blast. He danced and played with Trey and Little Kenny. The babies had a very good time too, they ran around the whole time they were there.
Duncan started going to RE at Christ the King on Wednesday nights. I thought because it is school he would be ok, but I was wrong. The first night he lasted about 1 minute and then went to his Aunt's room and was her helper! He really enjoye that. When he got home I asked how it was and he said Great! Then Abby told me to ask him how his class was, I did. He told me oh, I didn't like it so I was Aunt's helper! He called Sarah on the way home to see if she would go with him the next week, she said she would. Then he asked, you will go every week right? She does go with him. Hopefully he will get comfortable and go by himself soon, we will see!
Duncan had picture day at school, we will see how well he smiled this year!!
We went to the Apple Orchard as a family! The girls went with us also, it was lots of fun. Our friends The Etters went too, we all had a great time! It is lots of work with 9 kids 4 and under, but way worth all of the work. Really it went very well. The girls are a huge help and just knows what needs to be done. This year was way nicer than last year, it was not so windy. Until we sat down for lunch! The kids had fun on the tractors, seeing the animals, goats, pigs, chickens. They feed them too, and seemed ok with that. There is also bouncy horses, adult size tractors, a super slide, hay maze, a huge pillow to jump on ( that was interesting with the little ones), not my most favorite thing! There was a little playground the kids played on at lunch too. Duncan, Sarah and Hannah and Tracy loved the adult size pedal tractors. They took the little kids on rides too! I think Hannah and Duncan rode thoese things for an hour. We ended the day with a tractor ride though the apple orchard, We did not get off to see pumpkins or the corn maze, Tracy and I didn't think the babies would last through that.
Owen got his glasses today, he did well this afternoon with them, I hope that continues. He is getting more and more ornery! All of the babies are talking more and able to let us know what they want. They also are trying to not take naps this last week. Olivia can sure keep herself awake. Owen is the only one that will lay down and go to sleep.
I have been going to the gym while Duncan is at school. The babies go to the daycare there, they are getting use to that and do well. I have kid leashes that I put on there arms, and we all walk in. Most days it goes well, some days are a challenge.
Duncan jumping in the corn pit, Hannah beside him
Elliott and Mommy, he didn't like the corn
Everyone, well almost looks like a few kids missing!
Sarah and Owen
Taylor, Elliott, Olivia, Sarah, Owen, Ethan, Hannah, and Duncan
Hannah and Duncan
Haus, Hawkins, and Etter's that's aloit of kids!
Olivia, Hannah, Owen, Taylor, Ethan, Sarah and Elliott. Duncan is hiding behind Owen, you can see his hat!