Well the summer is going fast! We have been to Adventureland a few times, made it to the farmers market dentist and doctor for check ups. I also picked up a few days at work. I won't work 3 days in a row for awhile again. It was alot on for everyone!
Duncan continues to love Adventureland. He loves to ride the rides and he loved the water park when he went there with the girls. We went to the farmers market early on one Saturday morning. It was fun, the kids were all good. We had breakfast there and got a few things to bring home. We were only there a couple of hours because it got hot fast!
All the kids went to the dentist in July. It was an exciting trip. All of the girls went to help, I told them I would take them out for lunch if they went to help. We went out for Mexican before the appt. The kids all did well, they love chips and salsa! Ethan really loves the salsa, he let his cheese quesadila sit in salsa and then ate it, and I thought it was a little spicy ( i am a wimp though!). They went back a couple at a time for the dentist appt, Duncan did well like always. The babies all cried when the dentist was looking in their mouths. No one really liked it, it will get better as they get older. All the babies have 8 teeth top and 8 bottom. No cativies for anyone, thank goodness.
The babies went for there 18 month check up at the doctor also. They did well, I took Owen and Olivia together and Ethan and Elliott together. The office asked if I would bring 2 at a time because it is a lot of work! Really, I don't know that!! It worked out though because Sarah babysat and she doesn't really like to go and help at the doctor. Olivia almost weighs 20 pounds, finally. She weighs 19.8 and is 30 inches long. Owen weighs 22 pounds and 30 1/2 inches long. Elliott 25 pounds, and 33 3/4 inches long and Ethan 22 pounds and 30 1/2 inches long. I decided Ethan and Elliott are to ornery and will have to be separated, but I think putting any 2 of the boys together will be trouble! Elliott was swinging off the exam table saying wee, wee!! So of course Ethan had to try it too!
Ethan got glasses for his lazy eye. He has had them a couple of days and doing good so far, if Elliott will leave them alone we will be good! Olivia went to physical therapy for her legs. She is fine and the therapist said she is in the normal range for when she was born, just needs to get strength in her legs. To do that she needs to bend over and pick stuff up, amazing that the day after we were there, she really started doing it! We go back at the end of the month for a check up. She is much more steady on her feet now. Owen is starting to get a lazy eye also, so we will be making a trip to the eye doctor for him too. Nothing more new with Elliott!
Duncan went to VBS at the Christian Church in Runnells, he had a blast. He was nervous and was not going to stay by himself, but the first night we got there and his Sarah had decided to help, he was so happy! She helped with his group so I did not have to stay with him. Tracy and Duncan went to a car race in Newton. Duncan loved it, his favorite part was watching the race. Tracy said he sat and watched the race and played with one of the cars he got. He wore big yellow head phones the whole time!
Tracy's birthday was in July, he got a new TV for Father's Day, and his birthday. We went to the farmer's market on his birthday since that is what he wanted to do.
We went to the county fair to see the girls and all of the animals. Duncan made friends, baby goats. They talked to him! He would of stayed there all day watching them. We had a good time. All of the kids loved the animals. We watched Taylor in the queen contest, that was fun even though she didn't win.
Olivia and I had a girls day with the Weir/Kelley side. We went to Rieman gardens in Ames and to Hickory Park to eat, it was a good time. The boys had a boys day at home!
We went to the 4th of July parade in Carlisle this year, it was lots of fun and all of the kids loved watching the parade. It was very hot out, but that didn't bother the kids.