I have been thinking alot lately about how truly blessed we are to have our 5 wonderful kids, and that I am able to stay home with them! Some days it seems very hard, but the fun, and adventure's out weighs all the hard days. The other day I was at the gym and someone ask me what was the most challenging, I couldn't think of any one thing, because we have our routine. Today while I was trying to get the kids to lay down and go to sleep I realized that there is a challenge everyday, but I just don't realize it at the time. Today it was nap time, some days baths, and other days trying to get Duncan to be nice to everyone. It all works out at then end of the day.
Duncan turned 5 on February 18th! It is amazing how fast he is growing up. We went to the zoo in the morning. Abby was off, and there was no school. It was a little chilly but we had a great time. There are just enough animals for the kids. There were not many people there either, so that was nice. After the zoo, it was off to El Azetca for some Mexican for lunch. All of the kids love chips and salsa. More the salsa!! Duncan's party was in the evening, Aunt and Uncle made him a Thomas the train cake, that is what he requested. It was yummy. I let him pick dinner, he wanted mac and cheese, banana., and chocolate milk. So that is what we had. We got him a new big boy bike with no training wheels, he also got elbow and knee pads and riding gloves for his bike. Also a new water bottle.
The little kids are into laying on each other at bed time. One of them will want to go to sleep and the other 3 will just pile right on top of them. They are also talking lots and lots. It is getting easier to understand what they are saying. I am very impressed with the progress they have made since starting speech. We are more aware and are making them talk more, and make sure they repeat what we say. That helps a whole bunch.
For Valentines day I wanted to get them rain boots, but couldn't find any. I decided on sunglasses, forgetting that Ethan and Owen have glasses to always wear. Not such a good choice. Oh well lesson learned.
It was nice today so after the kids were suppose to be taking a nap (no one went to sleep) we went for a walk to get the mail. I am so thankful that Duncan is a good helper, he never complains about having to hold hands with his brothers or sister. He does the best job he can! We made it to the post office and back home. The kids decided to play in the snow when we got here. No one had snow pants on. They played for about 45 minutes and then I made them come inside because they were getting cold. No one wanted to come in, that is always a fight, no matter how cold it is. Our kids are outside kids, thank goodness.
The kids have been wanting to sit on the potty, so I got out the potty chairs. They are not ready yet and neither are we, so the chairs will stay out and they can sit if they want. We are not going to start until they really show lots of interest. Although getting them to keep clothes on at nap time is hard. Even with tape on diapers, they get the diapers off. When we put pj's on backwards, Olivia unzips them for the boys, or she did Elliott's the other day!
The other day the kids had a visitor, a baby lamb. Taylor and a couple of her friends were going to the elementary school and they needed a diaper for the lamb. They brought it in the house and the kids thought it was pretty neat until it let out a very loud "bah"! They then watched out the window while they put the diaper on the lamb. Very exciting for the kids.
Duncan went for his 5 year check up/kindergarten physical today. He weighs 48 pounds and is 44 inches tall. He got his shots, boy was that fun. He screamed very loud. We went for ice cream after the doctor.
Something else the kids have gotten good at.... turning the thermostat up and down. They climb on the big bird chair and get what ever they want! I finally put the chair up because I got tired of picking stuff up and either freezing or feel like I am going to pass out because it is so hot in the house.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Valentine's Day 2013
Duncan 4
Owen, Elliott,Olivia, and Ethan 2
Day at the Blank Park Zoo for Duncan's 5th Birthday
Duncan and Uncle with his Thomas Birthday cake
Duncan on this new big boy bike, no training wheels
The kids watching Taylor and her friends put a diaper on the lamb
The " visitor"
they all wanted to sit with Dad.
Owen and Duncan
All the boys being boys!
Olivia was ready to come in before the boys
Duncan, Olivia, Ethan (red), Owen Blur, and Elliott
Sunday, February 3, 2013
2 year check up's
The little kids went for their 2 year check ups. It went well. Everyone is healthy, and ornery!
Elliott 28.4#, 35.5 inches, Head 19.5 inches. He is on the 85% for weight on the growth chart. Yea!!
Olivia 21.12 # 32.5 inches, Head 19 inches. She is still on the low side of growth chart for weight, 35%, she will get there.
Ethan 23.3 #, 34 inches, and Head 19 inches, 45% on growth chart for weight.
Owen 25.5 #, 34.5 inches, and Head 19 inches. He is on the 80% for weight.
Duncan goes at the end of the month for his 5 year check up, can't wait to see how he is doing.. Very well I am sure.
Owen, Elliott, Ethan and Olivia started speech a couple weeks ago. They have really started talking, but I am sure speech a couple times a month will help. They go to the preschool and Heather from AEA meets us there. They are always saying something! Must get it from Duncan, he is always talking too. He ask lots and lots of questions. Good, but sometimes I just want it to be quiet!!
Tracy and I went to Coralville for the winter waterfights. It was a good time. Tracy fought, I did not. I enjoyed the company but was glad to get home to the kids after being gone for a whole entire day. They stayed at aunt and uncles. They had a good time, and everything went well.
Tracy's conference in California went well. Everything went well at home too. Not disasters here. We were glad he was home. Olivia broke my glasses the first night he was gone, so Grandma babysat so I could get new frames. I worked one day and it was nice to get away for awhile!
All of the kids love smoothies. We have been having them a lot lately. The first time they drank them just out of a cup, it went well. The next time we used spoons because it was a little thick, way messy! Then we tried straws, huge mess, the little ones were flinging it all over each other and the table and walls! Needless to say, they went to the tub after this. So we will go back to drinking out of the cup! No utensils needed for smoothies.
Elliott 28.4#, 35.5 inches, Head 19.5 inches. He is on the 85% for weight on the growth chart. Yea!!
Olivia 21.12 # 32.5 inches, Head 19 inches. She is still on the low side of growth chart for weight, 35%, she will get there.
Ethan 23.3 #, 34 inches, and Head 19 inches, 45% on growth chart for weight.
Owen 25.5 #, 34.5 inches, and Head 19 inches. He is on the 80% for weight.
Duncan goes at the end of the month for his 5 year check up, can't wait to see how he is doing.. Very well I am sure.
Owen, Elliott, Ethan and Olivia started speech a couple weeks ago. They have really started talking, but I am sure speech a couple times a month will help. They go to the preschool and Heather from AEA meets us there. They are always saying something! Must get it from Duncan, he is always talking too. He ask lots and lots of questions. Good, but sometimes I just want it to be quiet!!
Tracy and I went to Coralville for the winter waterfights. It was a good time. Tracy fought, I did not. I enjoyed the company but was glad to get home to the kids after being gone for a whole entire day. They stayed at aunt and uncles. They had a good time, and everything went well.
Tracy's conference in California went well. Everything went well at home too. Not disasters here. We were glad he was home. Olivia broke my glasses the first night he was gone, so Grandma babysat so I could get new frames. I worked one day and it was nice to get away for awhile!
All of the kids love smoothies. We have been having them a lot lately. The first time they drank them just out of a cup, it went well. The next time we used spoons because it was a little thick, way messy! Then we tried straws, huge mess, the little ones were flinging it all over each other and the table and walls! Needless to say, they went to the tub after this. So we will go back to drinking out of the cup! No utensils needed for smoothies.
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