We ( the kids and I along with Abby and the girls) went to Wisconsin Dells again. We had a great time.
Mon: We left at 9 from home, stopped at chiropractor, pharmacy, and then on our way. No one printed off directions so we used my phone. Worked well! Stopped at pizza ranch in Monticello for lunch, the boys loved the desert pizza. Owen ate the skin of the fried chicken. He wouldn't touch the meat. Olivia really liked the dessert pizza too, but she ate other stuff too! We finished our trip to Wisconsin, we arrived about 5pm. got checked in, supper, hung out the rest of the night.
When we were unloading the van, Abby was inside with Owen, Ethan, Elliott and Olivia. I turned around from the van and on the sidewalk stands all but Ethan. Ethan was in the house saying oh no like he always does and Aunt was just repeating it, then she realized that 3 were missing. We got to them at the same time! This was the only mishap of the whole trip. They were just on the sidewalk between the cabin and the van.
Tues: We hung out in the cabin (cabinet as Duncan called it all the way there). Everyone went swimming, it was cold! But no one wanted to get out, they were having fun. Everyone went down the little slide and down the big slide too! We got out of the pool when the kids lips were blue. This was the only time that the "babies" went because the water was always cold. We came back and the girls gave the kids a bath while Abby and I got supper ready.
Wed: The kids and I went to Carr Valley Cheese Factory. Or so we thought. I put it in my phone and got directions. We didn't really know where it was, and not sure of the name either. I just knew it was about 30 miles. So off we go, we get there and it is just a store! We look around and Duncan got cheese in the shape of a tractor, green even! Back to the cabin with directions to the factory, maybe we will try again tomorrow!
Thurs: Paul Bunions for breakfast, yummy! Family style, the kids loved the donuts and pancakes. To the cheese factory, we could only watch through window and most of it was done for the day, but it was interesting. Duncan got a wedge of cheddar cheese and I got some pepper jack cheese, yummy! Back for lunch, which was cheese and chips, popcorn and water. Oh and cottage cheese. Me, Duncan, Sarah and Hannah went to candy bingo. It was a good time and we all won some candy!
Fri: We packed up and Sarah loaded the van! She did not like the way Uncle packed it on the way there! (Really I did it, she just figured he did!) We only stopped to get sandwiches to eat in van on the way home and a few bathroom breaks. All kids did well both ways in van. It was nice to get home.
Elliott wouldn't stay in his pack and play. So he slept with me all week. Duncan and Hannah shared a room, Duncan loved that! Elliott was up anywhere from 9:30 to 11:00 pm every night. Everyone except Owen climbed out of beds at least once. Ended up giving them books to read in bed, that helped, all but Elliott.
All ate well, they sat like big kids at the table. Aunt let them have ice tea, and all liked it, except Duncan. He would rather have water.
Abby and I made all the food ahead of time and put in bags so it was mostly ready to go! It worked awesome.
The cabin had a washer and dryer. Also 3 bedrooms, 3 baths,one with a jacuzzi. They delivered soaps, coffee, hot coco or whatever we needed. We had to wash towels/wash rags to use all week. We were also able to wash own clothes, it was nice. The washer/dryer, dishwasher were always going. With 10 people they were always full and going!
I am happy that Mr.Elliott got right back on his sleep schedule when we got home!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Pictures from Spring Break

Elliott and Ethan after swimming
Duncan with his tractor cheese, what it looks like inside the wax
Duncan on the slide
Duncan eating his ledge(wedge) of cheese
Olivia and Ethan hanging from the rail
All the kids
Sara and Olivia, Owen, Elliott(hanging), Taylor, Hannah and Ethan, and Duncan
The kids loved running up there!
Taylor and Duncan being Lions!
This was pretty late I believe
Duncan with his tractor cheese

Duncan and Hannah went for their last swim of the trip
Elliott really like hot coco, this was about 10 at night! Duncan loved it too!
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