Sunday, October 10, 2010

Well I went back to the doctor on Friday. All the babies are growing and doing well. They weight 2.0,2.1,2.2,and 1.15. They are all measuring ahead of schedule still. I am feeling well for the most part, except my back is really bothering me this weekend. I am not sure what I have done, but pretty sure it is from picking up Duncan. I am tiring really hard not to pick him up, but sometimes I just have too. When we seen the doctor on Friday, he states there is no reason to push me past 32 weeks since I am doing so well, so most likely the babies will be here on 11-19-10, just a few weeks away. I am still working 4 hour days at work and they told me as soon as I can't do it I need to let them know so I can get a note for work. Hopefully I will be able to keep working for a few more weeks, we will see. I am thinking maybe I will have to cut to 2, 4 hour shifts a week.

Duncan is doing well, he is still growing every day and makes us laugh hard daily at something he does. He knows I don't feel well and he can get away with pretty much anything so he is taking full advantage of that! He has decided he needs his Dad to lay with him at night time so he can go to sleep. He tires to get Mom in there, but I just can't lay on his bed at this point. Today he decided he needed to shower with Mom, so he did and when his Dad came and got him to get him dressed he got away and came back to the shower, and hopped right back in. I can't really stop him at this point because I can't bend over. So his Dad came and got him back out and ready for bed! I am pretty sure that Duncan knows there is alot of change coming too, I hope and pray he does well with all of the change that is coming our way.

Some days, like today I am unsure how I will make it through the next 6 weeks, it is getting harder to do things every day. I am pretty sure Tracy and I are both feeling over whelmed. I know I am, what is coming, what I can't do anymore ( less and less every day). I am very thankful for Tracy and keeping the house up, and taking care of Duncan. Also we are very thankful for the Hawkins for all they are doing to help out and also Mom for all she does! We sure couldn't do it without every one's help, so Thanks a bunch!

Well that is all for now, I am going to bed and try and sleep. Sleeping is also getting more difficult, I have lots of trouble getting comfy!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you're doing great! Congrats on your pregnancy. It is amazing you are able to work so long. Take it one day at a time there is plenty of time to be over whelmed when the time comes for those babies to come home.:)
