We (Tracy and the girls) also had the annual pumpkin carving party, pumpkin gut fight. This was started when Tracy came into the family, really just when we were dating, but it is mostly an annual tradition now. They had fun, Mom, Abby, Rodney and I did not participate this year, or tired not to. Duncan decided everyone was going to be involved. He was sure to get guts on everyone!! He had a blast. I didn't think he was going to like it, but it only took one time of him throwing guts at someone and it was on! He was a mess. Let me say I was glad I am unable to give Duncan a bath at this point, his Dad got to do it! Although we were still picking pumpkin out of his ears 2 days later!
Trick or Treating was Saturday night, wow what a busy day Saturday was! Duncan went as a bear, I found 2 bear costumes at a garage sale this summer for a buck a piece so I grabbed both of them. Him and Gabby were both bears, they were so cute. Good thing is was on the chilly side because the bears were very warm!! Just like a snow suite. I think the bears will be used again, possibly next year! Taylor wanted to be Goldie Locks and the 3 Bears so they had a stuffed bear for bear number 3, although I am not sure if that bear went with them or not. I sat at Abby's house and Abby and I handed out candy. Not many kids in town this year. We didn't even go through a big bag of tootsie rolls. Tracy, Rhonda, Kathy, Mom, Sarah, Hannah and Rodney all went trick or treating. They all had a good time. Duncan was one tired boy when we got home and was asleep with in a half an hour, unheard of him lately.
Lately Duncan is really into reading. I love that he loves to read, it is the first thing he does when he gets up in the morning and the last thing we do at night before bed. We have always read to him at home, maybe not as much as we should. I am very glad for the girls reading their books, and papers to him when they were home schooled. He also goes to the library once a week with his Aunt Abby. He loves that, he sits in the book tower and reads while she gets her books. He also picks his own books off of the shelf while he has his reading time. We have been having lots of truck and tractor books at home! We have also been reading books about big brothers, hoping that is going to help his a little for when the babies come! He has a bag that we tote back and fourth to Abby's so he can switch his books out on a daily basis. I tried to have him return a truck book I was tired of reading the other day and he found it in the pile and put in on the counter so they would renew it because it is his truck book!! We will get it back there soon enough!
Duncan and Gabby playing, they were on the ground most of the time before trick or treating.
Goldie Locks and Gabby the Bear
After carving pumpkins, they were all pretty gross.
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