camping for the first time, did not go so well at all
We got our new to us van at the end of June. It is black with orange flames on it. You can't miss us. It works well for what we need, I need to be able to go by myself! Now I can. With the front seat out, I put the stroller in and off we go!! After the kids are all in that is!
Duncan: He went and spent the night at Grandma Mert's with the girls. He had a blast and wants to go back!!
Owen: 1st tooth, bottom right
Olivia: 2 bottom teeth
Ethan and Elliott: noting new
We had the Gruber Reunion at the park, it was lots of fun, fun to see everyone.
We went camping at Saylorville. Gladys and Dennis were nice enough to let us use their camper.
The first night was awful. The kids didn't sleep so neither did Tracy or I. We finally came out about 11:00 am. The kids were fine during the day, that first night was just awful. The second night was better, they slept better, but not great. At least we got some sleep! Even with how bad it was, it made me realize how much I miss camping! Maybe next year we will be able to go more, we will see.
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