Duncan: Duncan turned 4 on February 18! He has became a big helper with everything, some times it is a good thing, and sometimes I don't really need help. I take it anyway. He is still enjoying school and would love to go everyday. We have started car pooling to school which is very nice, I only have to go to Altoona one time each school day.
Owen: Owen is walking now. He has also became very ornery. He does stuff and just looks at us and laughs. He knows he is being a little naughty. He uses silverware somewhat at the table, and it getting better about not throwing his cup on the floor when he is done with it. Owen weighs almost 20 pounds.
Elliott: He is walking, mostly on his knees but the last few days he has started to walk on his feet! Elliott also uses silverware at the table. He does the best out of everyone. He likes to eat his food, and usually doesn't mess around to much. Elliott is also a little on the ornery side. His favorite thing to do is bang on the window with toys so we take them away. Elliott weighs around 22 pounds.
Olivia: Our little peanut. She is very ornery and a monkey also. She is still crawling and walking around stuff, but if we stand her down on her feet, she goes to the ground! She will get there. Olivia likes to pick on the boys and does not like to nap well these days. She is a good eater, but takes her sweet time. Olivia weighs around 16.5 pounds.
Ethan: Ethan is jabbering all of the time. We don't know what he is saying most of the time, but he is always talking! He walks all around caring toys all the time. His favorite thing to do is carry something up the stairs. He tries every night to take something to bed. He is a good eater, and will sometimes use his silverware.
We went to the NICU for the babies 15 month follow up. The boys all graduated, but Miss Olivia has to go back in 4 months because of her weight and low muscle tone in arms and legs. I think the muscle tone is just from her being lazy! If she is not walking when we go back the nurse said we would have her do physical therapy. I am sure she will be walking by that time. Tyler went with us to help out. We made a quick stop at my work and visited for just a couple minutes.
All the babies are now sleeping THROUGH the night. They sleep from 6 pm to around 530am. It is early mornings, but not having to get up at night is wonderful.
We have had a wonderful winter, now I just pray it stays nice out. All of the kids love to be outside and we go on walks every chance we get. I am sure we will spend alot of time at the park this summer.
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