Today started with the AEA coming bright and early at 9am! I schedule these appts and then the kids sleep schedule changes!! We were all up at 7:30. Elliott was the last one just finishing getting dressed when they got here. All is good with all the testing, aside from speech and communication. So we are going to start speech at the end of the month. 2 times a month, we will meet at preschool when Duncan is at school so that will work well. They all scored just a little low, so we figure it isn't going to hurt anything to have a little extra help.
It was finals at the high school so we took Sarah to school at 10:30. Home for lunch and rest time. Duncan and I made meatloaf and brownie cup cakes while the other kids were resting (playing!). The brownies are good, but they don't make very good cupcakes. They stick to the paper, I used the paper cups because I HATE washing cupcake pans. After rest time I decided to go on a walk. Thought about taking the stroller, but decided all the kids could use some exercise. I also decided not to put snow pants on; it is not a big deal if the pants get a little wet. We will just take them off when we get home. So we all get ready, coats, boots, gloves and are on our way. We get outside and I get they arm straps out of the van. ( I am not completely crazy, I won't go on walks without those yet!) So as I am putting them on, I look over and Duncan and Owen are jumping in a mud puddle in the drive way, that should of been my first clue! So everyone is ready, we are off.... Duncan and Ethan are ahead of us, walking in the snow. So we FINALLY get to the sidewalk... Another mud puddle, yep, they all jump in it. We are off again, some mud, we all walk/step/jump in it. Everyone has lost gloves, so I have put on gloves, they are all wet and muddy!! We FINALLY make it to the post office, all go in, no mail ( thank goodness, not sure how I would of got it home!). We get out of the post office and Duncan jumps off the ledge to the side walk. Well everyone has to do what big brother does.. So everyone ends up on the sidewalk, and then in the street, then we have to go up the steps to the side walk. Elliott plays on the snow mound by the stop sign.. Olivia and Ethan both sit down.One of the neighbors drove by and wanted to know if I wanted to put all the kids in the back of his truck and he would bring us home, I politely said no thank you! So we finally get back across the highway to the sidewalk. Find more mud. Duncan is ahead of us, I holler at him to come back so he can hold Elliott's hand. Well Duncan lost his boot in the mud he was playing in. So he carries his boot to where the rest of us are. I tell him just to take off his sock, and carry it with Elliott's glove and put his boot on with no sock. We are on our way again. Elliott and Duncan are ahead of us, well guess what, Duncan lost his other boot. So now we have 2 muddy socks. He looks at me with a look of what do I do??? By this time the rest of us are caught up. So as Duncan stands there with one boot off, the rest of the kids are jumping in a mud puddle! So I tell Duncan just put the sock and glove in his boot and carry it home. Just wear one boot, go straight down the alley and stay out of the mud and snow. So we get home, get on the back poarch. Strip get boots, coats, gloves and pants off. I send everyone to the kitchen to wait for me to open the gate. Well I forgot about the cat water and food. Yep you guessed it, Elliott was playing in the food and the water was all over the kitchen floor! So our walked turned into a lot of work for me since I had to wash all the coats and gloves and wash all 5 pair of boots since they were all muddy. We ended the evening with supper of the meatloaf. Baths and bed!! Really I wouldn't change anything. We all need a little adventure once in awhile! Of course I would of loved pictures of today, but there was no way possible.
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