Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28,2010

home and played outside in the beatiful weather.

This weekend was so nice. It was a busy week last week, but we got some family time this weekend!

Sarah and Hannah came over for supper on Friday, they did not want to go to the fish fry with their Dad. Duncan loves when they are over, they played and played!

Saturday we went to finincial peace university class and the girls babysat Duncan. I am learning so much from class. It is worth every penny we spend on it. Duncan and the girls played outside so Duncan was ready for a nap right after lunch. Then off to find shoes for Tracy and I, of course I couldn't find any so only Tracy got new ones, oh well that's how it goes. Kenny and Rachel came down for a cookout and games. What a fun night, glad they didn't mind waiting a few minutes in the driveway for us! Shoe shopping and grocery store took a little longer than I expceted. Glad they didn't mind the dirty floor or the sink full of dishes!

Sunday off to church. Tracy took the girls to the natural living expo, out for lunch and to the Iowa Energy BB game. They had a very good time from the sounds of things. Tracy also let Taylor drive downtown! I think that was pretty exiciting! Duncan and I stayed home and played outside in the beatiful weather.

I will try and get some more pictures posted soon!

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22,2010

I looked at Duncan this week and think, my how he has grown. He is not a baby anymore but a toddler who is becoming very independent. He loves to do most everything by himself. He is really growing up, he follows simple directions, and likes to do what we do! It is just fun to watch him.

After being off most of last week, time to get back into a routine this week. May be hard, but we will get there. He seems to lay in bed longer at night playing, but not crying so we let him be. I love listening to him play in his bed. I love that Duncan loves to be outside, although I don't love that he cries in the evening when it is time to come in! It is only March what are we going to do when it is really nice out and stays light until 9pm??!! Guess we'll figure that one out when it gets here.

Duncan was sure glad to have his girls back today and aunt and uncle! He really missed them while they were on vacation. When we went to feed their dogs, he got as many of the trucks out as he could and played. I sat on the bench and let him play for awhile, I did ask him if he wanted to go to the park but he was perfectly content playing in Abby's back yard!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Duncan loves his tonka trucks
Helping Daddy with dishes, Duncan is such a big help. Tracy didn't think so, he left a couple of pans!

Headed towards the hill!

Riding his new bike he got for his birthday, don't think it will take long for Duncan to get the hang of it!

Loves the slides

Enjoying swimming with Daddy for awhile

No fear of the water, good and bad I suppose!

All tuckered out after a long swim

Relaxing after swimming, and needing a nap

Done in the pool, now time for a shower.

Duncan and Uncle Onie

Charloette, Grandpa and Duncan 3-13-10

Grandpa and Duncan 3-15-10

Tuesday March 16,2010

What a week it's been, and it's only Tuesday. Well I am off this week ( all except tomorrow) since Abby is on vacation. Tracy stayed home on Friday with Duncan, they had a good day playing!! We left on Friday evening to go to Ottumwa. Tracy had to teach at fire school so Duncan and I went along to hang out. It was an awesome weekend. Duncan got up early (5am) on Saturday, Tracy got up with him. I didn't hear him!! They went to breakfast about 6 and then I got up and went and had breakfast also. Then Duncan and I were in the pool at 7! Duncan loves to swim, and we were the only ones there. After about an hour I decided it was time to get out. Duncan and I went to Grandpa's after the pool, we had a nice visit with Grandpa and Charloette. Duncan really liked the dogs. Sue really liked having him there too, they just followed each other around! Tiger just hid most of the time, but when Duncan had treats Tig was right there! Finally the treats had to be put away otherwise Duncan would of fed them the whole container! And Grandpa would of let him! Those dogs sure don't miss a treat!! Then back to the hotel we headed, I wanted Duncan to take a nap, but of course he had a different idea, so no nap on Saturday!

Saturday evening we went to mass and then to Onies for supper. It was wonderful, pork roast, canned green beans, homemade bread, baked potatoes and of course cheese. Can't have a Weir dinner without cheese! We had a nice visit, I wish we would of got to spend more time with Onie, but he had a funeral on Saturday afternoon so he was busy. Next time.

Duncan found a tonka road grater at Onies, my he loved playing with that. He also found a red tonka jeep. Onie was very worried he wasn't going to have anything for Duncan to play with, but it was all good.. the tonka trucks, 2 empty boxes and his dogs. Just like at Grandpa's one dog was good with him, the other not so much. Bertha had a blast following Duncan around and Carlos just kind of stayed away, except for when Duncan had treats! After dinner and cleaning up we headed back to the hotel so Duncan could go to bed. Getting up at 5am he was very tired, and it was daylight savings. :( I was very worried about how he was going to sleep, but much to my surprise, he slept very well!

Sunday Duncan and I slept in until 8:30, that is unheard of out of him. For his Mommy anyway! So we had breakfast and swam for about an hour and a half, boy how he loves the water. By the end of swimming Duncan had NO FEAR of jumping off the side of the pool. He was going down under water and bringing himself back up! Pretty awesome. He had been dogie paddling when he was swimming with Tracy on Sat afternoon, and he continued to do this on Sunday morning. I hope he becomes quite the little swimmer. We had a late checkout at the hotel so about noon we checked out and went to lunch. Pizza Hut it was, it was very good and we even saved some for Tracy. We had to make a stop at Target, just because! Duncan got a new pair of flip flops. I didn't let him wear them because I know as soon as he starts, that is all he will wear! His feet get hot, just like his Mommy!
We went back to Onies to wait on Tracy to get done with class. Duncan had fun on the playground there! Tracy got back with Onies jeep, thanks again Onie! It was much easier for Tracy to have the jeep than for me to get up and take him to class! I drove home, it was a long drive because Tracy and Duncan slept. They both got some much needed sleep!

Monday Duncan and I hung out for the morning and then had a busy afternoon, running errands, yuck. When we got home it was still nice out so Duncan played outside until supper and then when supper was done, he threw a fit because he did not want to come inside. Grandma came for supper, we are always glad to see Grandma.

Tuesday Duncan and I hung out for the morning, meet Tracy for lunch and then Duncan had an appt at the ENT, he is getting his tonsils out on April 6. Hopefully no more throat trouble after that!

I have to work tomorrow, so Duncan gets to go to The Churchills and play with Sophie. He loves going there and seeing all of the animals. I am sure he will be a tired boy tomorrow night.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gosh where has the week went, it is Wednesday already! Seems to go so fast when I work until 5 on Monday, and Tuesday we took Sarah to her basketball game and then to eat at pizza hut for supper before we dropped her off for a 4H meeting. Mom went to dinner with us too, it was nice to have her along. Wednesday I had to go to Chariton and Corydon for work, thoese are always long days also, but it is nice to not be in the office for the day! Hannah came to our house for supper on Monday. She had asked to come on Sunday but we were having homemade pizza and she can't have that. So I was sure to pick something off of the menu she could eat on Monday. Now it is Taylor's turn, she says one day next week she will come over for dinner. She is so darn busy these days! Glad that the girls know all they have to do is ask and they can pretty much come over when ever they want, we all love having them over!

This weekend Duncan is going with Grandma P for his birthday weekend. He gets to go for 2 nights. Tracy and I are going on a date night, haven't had one of thoese in a long while. Think we will go to a movie and out to eat. I have a coupon for a free movie ticket, and a free popcorn!