Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pictures!! April 13,2010

Here are pictures from Spring Break, Easter and Duncan's surgery. All kind of mixed up, but I finally got them here!

Duncan loves to sit at the island and eat! One more bar stool and there will be enough for everyone!
Right after surgery, he was such a trooper.. tonsils and anotiods only took 15 minutes. The longest part was 2 1/2 hours in recovery.

Stickers that helped pass some time.

At the park in Knoxville, Duncan had a blast.

Such a big boy on the tire swing.

Duncan and Hunter

Taylor, Hunter and Duncan. Hunter was going down weather he wanted to or not!

Duncan loves to ride in the wagon!!

Easter egg hunt, he got so many eggs, he had to use Taylor's basket!

Duncan's big egg, had all kinds of goodies in it

Hannah and her basket of eggs and her big egg with all kinds of goodies

Gabby didn't mind going down the hill in the wagon. Duncan was very careful and did not put his feet in the air like he does when he is by himself.

They are going to be scary together

Easter egg hunt at the park. Duncan caught on very fast!

Duncan really liked the Easter Bunny, he followed him around the park!

Blowing out my candles. Sarah made me and ice cream cake.. It was yummy! The candles said AH, very cool.

Sarah, me and my cake

Duncan eating like a dog, not sure where he learned that!

Eating a taco like a big boy

Ice cream cone. He was "sharing" with his Dad.. Dad got the cone!

This is what Mommy made him do on spring break!! He wouldn't give it back to Mom.

Gonna ride down the hill, one of Duncan's favorite things to do!

Duncan found his sled on spring break. The air is now let out of it.

Sarah "painting" the ribs on Easter.

Duncan and his big boy bike


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Duncan's Surgery

Duncan had his tonsils and androids out today. He did very well, we had to be there at 6:45 and he went to surgery at 7:45. He was very brave, didn't even cry when he went back with the nurse! He took his blanket and dog with him. He got to push the special button to open the door! At 8am Dr. Morgan came out and told us everything went well and his tonsils were very large, which we already were aware of! We had to wait 30 minutes before we got to see Duncan. He was very groggy. He didn't really cry much at all. We were home by 11, and he just rested most of the day. In the evening he did get a burst of energy and played quit a bit! We will see how the next few days goes!

Easter 2010

We went to the Easter Egg hunt at the park on Saturday afternoon, didn't take Duncan long to figure out what to do! He got 1/2 bucket full of eggs!

Easter was so much fun this year! We went to the Easter Vigil at church on Saturday night. It is such an awesome mass. Duncan did very well for it not starting until 8:30pm. He did good and then about 10 got pretty fussy, but we made it! He does such a good job at church, even kneels and prays with the rest of us!

On Sunday we got up with Duncan, who slept in (YEA). He found his Easter basket before Tracy and I go downstairs. He really loves the new bike helmet the Easter bunny brought him. The Hawkins came over for the Easter egg hunt, the Easter Bunny hide eggs again this year. Duncan had fun! In the afternoon everyone came back for a cookout. Lots of good food, ribs and hamburgers, coleslaw, crunchy potato salad, brownies and my most favorite, peanut butter cookies with chocolate chunks on top. Hannah did an awesome job on these!
After dinner we played games and then went to the park in Knoxville, it rained on us once we got there. But it stopped as soon as it started. Duncan had a blast, he loves the park. He played with Hunter while the rest of us visited.