Sunday, January 8, 2012

Trip to the grocery store

I decided the other day since it was nice that all 5 kids and myself were going to the grocery store. I thought about it for awhile and even thought about not going. But we did. We all loaded up, and went! We went to fareway, I thought, I will just buckle in kids in the front of each cart and pull one and push one. Well that worked for Owen and Olivia, but Elliott is to big and couldn't fit with Ethan. So I buckled Ethan in and Elliott and Duncan rode in the big part of the cart. Everyone did very well. Elliott and Duncan stayed sat down the whole time. Olivia did well too, other than she kept pulling off her socks, finally I just put them in my pocket. Owen did very well. Ethan did well also, but at the very end he decided to turn around and stand up. I sat him right back down. So we were in and out of the store in 40 minutes. I brought the kids home and put them in their chairs for lunch and while they ate, I unloaded and put away the groceries. We were all worn out after the trip!
Ethan is walking more and more every day. Elliott took a tiny step today and I think that Owen took one yesterday, but he was behind the chair so I couldn't really see for sure. Olivia is still just crawling and walking around everything. I am sure it won't be long and we will be chasing them everywhere!
Duncan is glad to be back in school after Christmas break. I am glad too, I am very ready to get back to our normal routine. We didn't get there last week, hopefully this week we will.
All of the babies are getting molars, so they have been a little cranky, and they don't like to nap. They are sleeping at night. We are in process of taking the bottle away. They do well with the sippy cup for the most part. Today is the first day without any bottle at all, it went well. We will see how they sleep tonight. I am sure it will be fine. I took out all of the bottles except 4, I now just need to get rid of those too, or we will just keep using them!
I decided to give everyone a bath at the same time tonight, in the tub. What a disaster. Owen does not like the bath tub and screamed the whole time. Duncan was trying to go from one end of the tub to the other. Olivia cried most of the time. Ethan kept standing up, and Elliott just played. It was just going to be the babies, but Duncan wanted to be with him so I said ok. We won't do that for awhile again, it is much easier in the kitchen sink, although they will get to big for that soon!
The weather has been so nice out lately, Duncan has been playing outside. We all went for a walk the other day, the beginning of January and it was 65 outside! All of the kids LOVE to be outside.

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