Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A little catch up since Easter!

Duncan is going to be in kindergarten starting in just a few short weeks! He finished preschool at the end of May. I think he likes being home, but he enjoys school to!
The other 4 did speech 2 times a month for the whole school year. This month the speech therapist came and said they all sound really good, so no more speech! All we have to do is call if we have a concern and they will come back to see the kids. They all are talking A LOT, sometimes I think to much!
Everyone went to the dentist and all is well, he said we are doing a good job brushing teeth. I often times wonder, Owen is a stinker and hates for us to help him. Some days I have to hold him down.
Duncan went to the eye doctor too, all is well there! Ethan and Owen both got new glasses, they had a recheck at the eye doctor. No changes just needed different glasses, they had theirs for a year and were all scratched up and bend out of shape.
Tracy and I went to Bettendorf for a night, it was fun. The kids stayed at Aunt and Uncles. We still have to pack a lot for them, but it is getting easier they don't need quite as much stuff as before. Only 2 trips to truck to unload this time! 
We went to a wedding in June and the kids had a blast dancing the night away.
We went to the park a lot with the Etter's and Dotzler's this summer. It is nice to have some adult conversation. We went to the wading pool at Ashby park and it was fun, but getting back to the truck was a disaster!
Owen is starting to show interest in the potty. He will usually go morning, noon and night! Ethan will sometimes sit and go and Olivia also will sometimes go. Elliott has zero interest. We are just letting them go at there own pace now. I am not going to worry about it, when it gets cold out and we are home, maybe they will be ready! I am hoping that maybe they will just potty train on their own! Wouldn't that be nice!
Since we went camping and the kids got to ride their bikes all day they have been pedaling away. Elliott and Owen have been riding the little bikes with training wheels. Ethan and Olivia can, just not as well. We only have 2, so we are looking for 2 more so hopefully no more fighting. They usually pick out what they want and that is theirs and they don't fight. Pretty amazing to me! We sometimes let Duncan ride around the block since he is getting bigger and we can see him almost the whole time. I am sad he is growing up so fast. That's life I guess.

Tracy is very busy at work. I worked more in the summer since the girls can help out and babysit for us. Much easier to have the kids at home! I am also doing some data entry at home which is nice. I usually work after the kids go to bed. 5 hours a week, doesn't sound like a lot, but sometimes I have trouble getting it done.

Guess that is all, we have just been playing outside a lot enjoying the weather!

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